Drafting Techniques in Other Courses

I have used the drafting techniques that I learned in English 110 in writing essays in my history class. I also use them to revise my lab reports and any other long, written assignment. An example of an essay that I used the techniques I learned in English 110 is my essay on the Medieval Islamic Contributions to Science. I revised this essay on the global and local scale. It…

Active Reading in Other Classes

Overall, what I have learned in the course about annotation and active reading, has been a great use in my history class. For my history class we have to read vast amounts for homework and we are eventually tested on it. The active reading strategies learned in this class have helped me connect with the text and and thus helped me get better grades on my quizzes and exams. I…

My Conversation

One of the most important conversations I have had was way back during my freshman year of high school. I happened during the summer going into freshman year, at the very first captains practice for football. The only person I knew at the school was my brother but he didn’t play football so he didn’t help much here. I was so nervous but eventually I built up enough courage to…

Active reading revisited

My annotations of Henig’s were comprised of mostly understanding, relationship, and questions. In my understanding annotations, in addition to summarizing important passages in the text, I also defined any unknown terms. I made 17 of these annotations. The next type of annotation, asking questions, I made 11 of, which were used to understand the text on a deeper level. My drawing relationship annotations were used to connect the texts not…

My Approach to Essay Two

My initial approach to this essay is similar to that of the first. I will introduce the evidence gathered and then my own believes on the subject and how they can positively impact the reader. There are a couple things I want to change about this essay. I want to relate more of my ideas back to the texts discussed in class and connect these readings to one other. Due…

My Relationship With Technology

In my personal experience, technology has positively affected various relationships in my life. It has allowed me to stay in contact with my friends and family from back home. My girl friend and mother are two of the best support structures in my life and without technology and the ability to keep in contact with them college would be a much tougher time for me. I personally believe that technology…

My Peer-Review Improvement Plan

The first step on my path to becoming a better peer-reviewer is to visualize the work as a whole to truly see the flow of the work and the topic of the work. The next thing I need to do more to become a better peer reviewer is to ask more questions. If a part of the work confuses me even in the slightest I should let the author know…

Framing Statement- Happiness Essay

Looking back on my essay, I am proud of many parts of it. I feel that I worked well with the texts even if it was not by quoting each texts extensively. I believe that I took the ideas of the authors and incorporated then with my own.  I also believe that the organization of my essay is good. There are some paragraphs that could use some tweaking but overall I…

Active Reading in English 110

Coming into English 110 I had some experience annotating while reading an assigned work. Last year, freshman year, I was required to fully understand a wide variety of dense scientific and literary works. Even with the experience I had taking notes on these works, English 110 taught me new and improved annotation techniques and has really helped me understand how to take more in depth notes. The active reading I…
