Active reading revisited

My annotations of Henig’s were comprised of mostly understanding, relationship, and questions. In my understanding annotations, in addition to summarizing important passages in the text, I also defined any unknown terms. I made 17 of these annotations. The next type of annotation, asking questions, I made 11 of, which were used to understand the text on a deeper level. My drawing relationship annotations were used to connect the texts not only to other readings from class, but also to my own life. I made 7 of these annotations. Compared to my previous active reading post of Gilbert, I have made immense progress. My annotations have begun to fill up the page which allows me to deeper understand and connect myself to the text which makes returning to the it during the writing process much easier. My annotations have improved in all areas including drawing relationships between texts, questioning the text, and understanding the text.

Another tool that helped me understand and relate the texts is my informal reading response. This allows me to pull out what I believe to be the most important aspects of the text. The informal reading response also forces and encourages a deeper reflection on the text, which includes drawing relationships between it and other texts. In regards to Henig, it helped me capture the most important part of the reading to me and helped me think about how that could be connected to other texts.

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