Learning Outcome 4
Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.
My marked first draft of one peer’s paper is the best example of my peer review work. I made many comments that assessed different aspects of the paper. For example, while I was reading through the text, I marked different parts of the text with labels to identify them. These labels included E for evidence, O organization, and I ideas. This labels helped categorize the types of comments I was making. Some of the best comments I have made in this work was when I recommended adding quotes from specific ideas that an author had that I though would add to the work. I made this type of comments twice. My professor agreed with my comments but he also informed me that my comments would be much more helpful I were to give specific passages to include. I agree with him. If I gave specific examples, my peer editing would grow even more. My comments have changed drastically over the semester. At the beginning of the semester I was making more local edits. My comments were far less helpful for common. I was making mostly local level revisions, which are helpful but not as helpful as global comments. My comments have deepened in complexity and usefulness.