Learning Outcome 2

 Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.

In my final draft of my showcase writing project I incorporated the quotes and ideas from many different authors to support my own ideas. I used quotes from Matt Richtel, Sherry Turkle, and Jean Twenge. In my first body paragraph, I used quotes from both Turkle and Richtel to show the harmful effects that technology can have on relationships. Turkle’s quote was a general quote discussing how technology can effect relationships. Sherry Turkle references this idea when she says, “It all adds up to a flight from conversation — at least from conversation that is open-ended and spontaneous, conversations in which we play with ideas, in which we allow ourselves to be fully present and vulnerable. Yet these are the conversations where empathy and intimacy flourish and social action gains strength” (Turkle 379).

Richtel’s quote, on the other hand, gave a specific example from a family on how it has effected them. This was far more effective in conveying this idea. He recalls a family vacation which the Campbells, the family who is the main focus of the article, have planned. Richtel writes, “The next night, their first on vacation, ‘We didn’t go out to dinner,’ Mrs. Campbell mourned. ‘We just sat there on our devices.’ She rallied the troops the next day to the aquarium. Her husband joined them for a bit but then begged out to do email on his phone. Later she found him playing video games” (Richtel). This is a first-hand experience how technology can completely consume our lives and even take time away from those who are most important to us. I used Barclay’s formula of introducing, presenting, and then explaining the quotes for both of these quotes and the rest of the evidence I provided in my essay.

In my older works, I did not combine the ideas of multiple authors in one paragraph. By adding quotations and ideas of various authors, the texted developed an other level of complexity. My abilities as a writer were also tested by doing this. I was able to synthesize these ideas in a cohearnt manner. By combining these quotes, the overall flow the of the essay was improve as well.
