Learning Outcome 1
Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).
There are clear improvements between the first and final drafts of my Showcase Writing Project. The most notable change between the two drafts is the structure of the essay. I shifted whole paragraphs to improve the flow of the essay as well as making it more concise. This paragraph shift made my essay read much better then it did before. This revision was suggested to me by my classmate Abbie who left it to me after a global revision work shop. This was one of the most useful comments I have gotten in my short history of writing essays. After making the change the whole essay felt much better. Another global revision I made was incorporating more quotes in my text and working deeper with the quotes I used. This made my essay feel more personal as well as making the ideas of the authors synthesize better with mine and each others. I also made many local revision to my essay throughout the writing process. Word chooses were changed as well as sentence structures.
This demonstrates that I have developed greatly as a writer since the begging of the semester. I have learnt how to read my work thoroughly and make necessary edits to improve the overall flow and content of the work as well as the local, grammar based aspects of my writing.